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Listen to the amazing voice of this 20-inch Elk Drum now on the Hear All Drums tab. WOW!!


You can see photos of decorated drums thoughout the site, so just imagine all of the lush suede leathers, bunched yarns in delicious colors and beautiful accessories you will receive on your BIG 20-Inch Drum! You can choose colors and whether Bob uses bunched yarn or suede lacing.



  • Decorations include more than 12 feet of glove soft suede leather lacing (and bunched yarn in combination if you wish), precious beads, a custom drumstick and a free Empowerment gift!
  • Custom Drumstick by Bob in your choice of colors in bunched yarn or suede lace.
  • Amazingly deep and full voice from the first-ever 20" Elk Drum offered by Thunder Valley Drums. The vibration alone is enough to lead one into deep meditation or meaningful shamanic journey.
  • Frame made of thick laminated maple, measures 20" across and 3" deep.
  • Elk drum head is from the finest rawhide available.
  • Suede leather wrapping on bottom of the drum provides a soothing handle to hold this beautiful instrument.
  • The empowerment gift includes a small linen bag of Bob's mixture of smudging herbs and a lightning-struck wood piece with emerald chips on copper wire. To learn more about the spiritual significance of lightning wood, see the downloads page for Bob's pdf files here.
  • American made.
  • Learn more about this wonderful drum with Bob's Insights in right column.
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Elk 20" Decorated Drum w/ all accessories

  • Well, you'll see the word "amazing" in the description for this drum, and sure enough, its sound is amazing, very deep and resonant.


    You will never have to strike this beautiful ally drum with force, for its hearty voice will let loose with even a light tap from your finger! In fact, you'll often see sacred drummers play their drums with the side of one of their thumbs or straight on with fingers and thumb. But just in case you want to project the drum's power, I will make a wonderful drumstick for you in the colors of your choice. (You can decide on colors and materials after I initially contact you about the purchase.)


    The rich suede lacing (sometimes combined with the option of adding variegated bunched yarn, many examples of which you can see throughout the site), pretty and varied beads, colorful drumstick and the drum materials themselves blend into one beautiful decorated drum.


    There is one important thing to remember about such a powerful and quality-filled drum. Power comes with a requirement of heft. So while the drum will fill the air with its husky voice, you may begin to notice its weight (just over three pounds) after playing it a while, due to its thick frame and hefty drum head. Over time, though, the drum will help teach you alternative ways to hold it so you will both be comfortable for longer drumming sessions. A second choice my be the much lighter weight 15" drum (at about half the weight of the 20"), which will still produce plenty of voice.


    If you meditate, this drum will quickly become your best friend as it leads you with a timeless, deep vibration. And should you desire the same qualities for a shamanic drum to accompany your journey-work, I can think of none better. This is indeed an amazing drum!


    I truly appreciate your visit to the site today, and will be honored to send you the drum you desire.


    Aho & Namaste,

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