Welcome to Thunder Valley Drums!
Handmade Drums & Spirit Tools by Shaman Bob & Friends
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TVD's Most Popular 12" Drum
Offers the Deepest Voice In Its Class!
Watch a Customer's Video Review
of Her New 15" Elk Drum
Natural Goodness From Mother Earth
Precious New Necklaces and Exquisite Hand-Painted Gourd Rattles from Bob's Workshop
The Necklaces: From understated to colorfully expressive, these all-natural necklaces join rare stones, copper, amber and lightning wood in marvelous combinations of Mother
Earth's goodness.
The Rattles: Shaman Bob and once-retired artist Glenn Lewis team up to bring you a limited collection of Exquisite Gourd Rattles. Perfect as gifts or for your own use.
More Coming Soon!
Customer Jacqui just sent in this video review, the first we have ever received. (Thank you, Jacqui!) You can read more of her thoughts on the 15" Elk Drum Page Here!
Please feel free to send in your reviews anytime, too, direct to Bob's email.

Jacqui with her new drum in Washington State.
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Handmade by Bob
And Friends
Old-fashioned, yes.
Like, STONE AGE old-fashioned.
Hi, I'm Bob, the owner of Thunder Valley Drums. I teach shamanism and make drums, jewelry and other spiritual helpers by hand using similar techniques and sacred preparations trusted by humanity's ancestors for tens of thousands of years. I also fashion a few drums a year from lightning-struck trees, which contain vital energy for healing ceremonies. You'll only find such rare instruments here, as many spiritual healers worldwide have discovered.
A few other master drum-maker friends also make some of the drums you'll see here. We are all dedicated to high quality drums for you.
Importantly, and to assure your satisfaction, I will email you following your order to discuss your preferences and to make sure your drum will live up to your expectations.
It's old-fashioned, yes. But timeless too. From a heart full of Love in a seeker just like you.
360-Degree Drum View...
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